Competitors passed through to the Semi-Final

Gabrielian, Vartan

Gabrielian, Vartan

No. 15

Voice type: Baritone/Bass-baritone

Country: Canada

Date of birth: 23 February, 1993

Canadian-Armenian bass-baritone Vartan Gabrielian is a graduate of the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music, earning his degrees under the tutelage of Marlena Malas and Armen Boyajian.

He is currently ensemble member of the Canadian Opera Company. While still a student, he made his professional debut with the Opéra de Montréal performing the role of Sparafucile (Rigoletto). During the 2021/2022 season with the Canadian Opera Company, Gabrielian will be covering Bluebeard (Bluebeardʼs Castle) and performing Bonze (Madama Butterfly), Betto di Signa (Gianni Schicchi), Dottore Grenvil (La traviata), and will be the featured bass soloist in Mozart’s Requiem. He will also be appearing with the COC Orchestra in concerts and recitals.

Earlier, he performed at the Curtis Opera Theatre, at the Chautauqua Institution in performances of Ariodante (King of Scotland), La bohème (Colline), Rigoletto (Sparafucile), Die Zauberflöte (Sarastro), among others, and was the member of the Santa Fe Opera’s Apprentice Program. He is recipient of awards by the Metropolitan Opera National Council and several foundations.

Competition Repertoire


Liszt: Es muss ein Wunderbares sein

Bizet: Quand la flamme de l’amour – Ralph’s aria from La jolie fille de Perth

Puccini: Vecchia zimarra, senti – Colline’s aria from La bohème


Gounod: Vous qui faites l’endormie – Méphistophélès’s Serenade from Faust

Rachmaninov: Ves’ tabar spit – Aleko’s cavatina from Aleko


Verdi: O patria, o cara patria… O, tu Palermo – Procida’s recitative and aria from Les vêpres siciliennes

Verdi: Studia il passo, o mio figlio… Come dal ciel precipita – Banco’s recitative and aria from Macbeth

Verdi: Ella giammai m’amò – King Philip’s aria from Don Carlo