Sosa dal Pozzo, Rodrigo
No. 69
Voice type: Countertenor
Country: Venezuela
Date of birth: 14 July, 1989
The countertenor earned his master’s degree in 2018 in opera performing at the Opera College (Operahögskolan) in Stockholm, under the tutelage of Erik Årman, and in 2016 a master’s in early music singing at the KMH (Kungliga Musikhögskolan), Stockholm, under the tutelage of Susanne Rydén. He took part in master classes by Sylvia Greenberg, Donna Brown, Cristina Cid, Lynne Dawson, Monique Zanetti, Emma Kirkby, Andreas Scholl, Xavier Sabata, Jennifer Larmore and Sarah Connolly. His professional experiences include various performances at the Festival d’Aix en Provence, at the Festival della valle d’Itria, at Theater an der Wien, at the Innsbrucker Festwochen and at the Teatre del Paral·lel, among others, as well as over 100 concerts as soloist. He won 2nd prize in 2019 at the Mirjam Helin Competition in Helsinki, Finland, was finalist and Extraordinary Award winner in 2018 at the Francisco Viñas International Singing Contest, Spain, as well as 3rd prize winner in 2017 at the Renata Tebaldi Competition, San Marino.
Competition Repertoire
Liszt: Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh (2nd version)
Händel: Vivi tiranno – Bertarido’s aria from Rodelinda
Mozart: Son reo; l’error confesso – Farnace’s aria from from Mitridate, re di Ponto
Rossini: Oh patria!… Tu che accendi questo core... Di tanti palpiti – Tancredi’s recitative and aria from Tancredi
Händel: Venti, turbini, prestate – Rinaldo’s aria from Rinaldo
Gluck: Che farò senza Euridice – Orfeo’s aria from Orfeo ed Euridice
Händel: Empio, dirò, tu sei – Cesare’s aria from Giulio Cesare in Egitto
J. Strauss: Chacun à son goût – Prince Orlofsky’s aria from Die Fledermaus