Competitors passed through to the Final

Malik, Azat

Malik, Azat

No. 39

Voice type: Baritone/Bass-baritone

Country: Kazakhstan

Date of birth: 16 March, 1991

He has been attending the Department of Vocal Art and Choral Conducting at the Kazakh National University of Arts since 2012, but has also taken courses at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia as an exchange-student and has atteneded the masterclasses of Paolo Bosisio aiming at various aspects of opera directing at the University of Milan. He has given stage performances in Italy, Germany, Austria, Turkey and Serbia. He has been merited at various competitions, for instance at the 15th International Festival of Creative Youth “Shabyt”, where he received the Grand Prize or the 32nd Republic’s Competition of Young Performers, which allowed him to take the 1st prize home.


Competition Repertoire


Liszt: Im Rhein, im schönen Strome (H. Heine)

Bellini: Ah!, per sempre... Bel sogno beato – Sir Riccardo Forth áriája A puritánokból

Csajkovszkij: Vy mne pisali, ne otpiraytes (Ön írt ma nekem, ne mentse magát!) – Anyegin áriája az Anyeginből


Rimszkij-Korszakov: S uma neydyot krasavitsa (Nem tudom kiverni azt a gyönyörű lányt a fejemből) – Grjaznoj áriája a Cári menyasszonyból

Leoncavallo: Zazà, piccola zingara – Cascart áriája a Zazàb


Giordano: Nemico della Patria – Charles Gérard áriája a Andrea Chénierből

Verdi: Alzati! la tuo figlio – Renato áriája Az álarcosbálból

Mozart: Fin ch’han dal vino – Don Giovanni áriája a Don Giovanniból