Lee Kyubong
No. 36
Voice type: Baritone/Bass-baritone
Country: Korea, South
Date of birth: 9 May, 1983
He earned his B.A. at Chugye University for the Arts, then he continued his studies at the Frescobaldi Conservatory in Ferrara; he then received his M.A. at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany. Mr Kyubong has given solo recitals in Bucharest, Bilbao, San Marino, Neunberg, Salzburg and Aix-en Provence, won third prize of the ARD in 2012, second prize of the Grandi Voci in Salzburg and the 5th Renata Tebaldi International Voice Competition and the International Maria Callas Grand Prix. He came third at the Bilbao International Singing Competition in 2014. His latest parts have been Rigoletto, then Marcello in La Bohème, Papageno in The Magic Flute or Count di Luna in Il Torvatore.
Competition Repertoire
Liszt: O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst (F. Freiligrath)
Mozart: Hai gia vinta la causa – Almaviva gróf áriája a Figaro házasságából
Gounod: Avant de quitter ces lieux – Valentin imája a Faustból
Verdi: Alzati! la tuo figlio – Renato áriája Az álarcosbálból
Csajkovszkij: Ya vas lyublyu (Szeretlek) – Jeleckij áriája A pikk dámából
Verdi: Cortigiani, vil razza dannata – Rigoletto áriája a Rigolettóból
Korngold: Pierrot táncdala (Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen) – Fritz áriája A halott városból
Giordano: Nemico della Patria – Charles Gérard áriája az Andrea Chénier-ből