Competitors passed through to the Final

Park Jihoon

Park Jihoon

No. 46

Voice type: Tenor

Country: Korea, South

Date of birth: 3 May, 1991

Park Jihoon obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Korea National University of Arts. He has performed in gala concerts with the Korea National Opera Company and collaborated with renowned orchestras such as the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Filarmonica di Udine, and Gwacheon Philharmonic Orchestra. His international engagements include performances at the Udine Orchestra Summer Festival, as well as the Opernwerkstatt Festival, with scheduled concerts in Zurich, Basel, Bern, and Wiesbaden. He won the Special Prize in the 61st Tenor Viñas Competition, took 2nd place in the 9th Mt. Fuji International Opera Competition of Shizuoka, received the Grand Prize in the 22nd Korea National Opera Company Competition and the 2nd JW Gwacheon International Vocal Competition, as well as first prize in the 34th Korea Vocal Competition, among others.

Competition Repertoire


Liszt: Pace non trovo (Sonetto 104 di Petrarca)

Puccini: Ecco la casa... Torna ai felici dì – Roberto’s aria from Le Villi

Verdi: Ma se m’è forza perderti – Riccardo’s aria from Un ballo in maschera



Massenet: Ah! fuyez, douce image – des Grieux’s aria from Manon

Puccini: Che gelida manina! – Rodolfo’s aria from La bohème



Verdi: Lunge da lei... De’ miei bollenti spiriti... O mio rimorso! – Alfredo’s aria from La traviata

Gounod: Salut! demeure chaste et pure – Faust’s cavatina from Faust

Puccini: Nessun dorma – Calaf’s aria from Turandot