Competitors passed through to the Final

Kim Hyerim

Kim Hyerim

No. 24

Voice type: Soprano

Country: Korea, South

Date of birth: 10 January, 1998

Kim Hyerim obtained her bachelor’s degree in singing under Mihae Park at the Seoul National University and her master’s degree under Prof. Aris Argiris at the Berlin University of the Arts for Master of Opera. Currently, she studies for the Konzertexamen with Prof. Ulrike Sonntag at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart. In 2024, she sang the role of La Bellezza in Händel’s oratorio Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno at the Wilhelma Theater Stuttgart. Before that, she also performed as soloist in concerts. In February 2025, she is scheduled to take the role of Donna Anna in Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni at the Theater Heilbronn. She won the prize of the Thüringen Philharmonie Gotha-Eisenach in the International Vocal Competiton of Gabriela Beňačková. She was awarded numerous prizes from several competitions in Korea, too.

Competition Repertoire


Liszt: Pace non trovo (Sonetto 104 di Petrarca)

Mozart: Dal tuo gentil sembiante – Fauno’s aria from Ascanio in Alba

R. Strauss: Die Wiener Herrn verstehen sich – the Fiakermilli’s aria from Arabella



Braunfels: Ach, ach ach! Liebwerte Freunde, gegrüsst! – Prologue from Die Vögel

Rossini: Non si dà follia maggiore – Fiorilla’s aria from Il turco in Italia



Donizetti: Ah! tardai troppo… O luce di quest’anima – Linda’s recitative and aria from Linda di Chamounix

Offenbach: Les oiseaux dans la charmille – Olympia’s aria from Les contes d’Hoffmann

Mozart: O zittre nicht, mein lieber Sohn… Zum Leiden bin ich auserkoren – the Queen of the Night’s recitative and aria from Die Zauberflöte