Competitors passed through to the Final

Hippius, Zoe

Hippius, Zoe

No. 20

Voice type: Soprano

Country: Russia

Date of birth: 15 December, 1993

She graduated from the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica in Slovakia in the class of Professor Eva Blahová in 2021. Until 2023, she was a member of the international opera studio at the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava. In 2022 she sang in Schaffhausen, the next year at the State Theatre Košice and at the BHS festival. Her singing competition successes include second prize and special prize in the Mikuláš Schneider-Trnavský International Vocal Competition in 2019; second prize in the American International Czech & Slovak Voice Competition and first prize in the CIMP Rossini International Music Competition. In 2021, she received the main prize in the Song category in the Ada Sari International Vocal Artistry Competition as well as first prize in the International Jan Kiepura Vocal Competition. She has appeared at festivals in Slovakia, Czechia, Italy, France, and in Asia

Competition Repertoire


Liszt: Oh! quand je dors

R. Strauss: Ich bin euer Liebden sehr verbunden – Sophie’s aria from Der Rosenkavalier

Donizetti: Regnava nel silenzio – Lucia’s aria from Lucia di Lamermoor



Mozart: Martern aller Arten – Konstanze’s aria from Die Entführung aus dem Serail

Thomas: À vos jeux, mes amis – Ophélie’s Mad Scene from Hamlet



Bellini: Ah! non credea mirarti... Ah! non giunge uman pensiero – Aminaʼs arias from La Sonnambula

Rimsky-Korsakov: Ivan Sergieich, jochesh v sad… Ah posmotri: kakoy zhe kolokol’chik? – Marfa’s recitative and aria from The Tsar’s Bride

Donizetti: Il dolce suono – Lucia’s aria from Lucia di Lammermoor