Raftis, Theodora

2016. szeptember 4.

Voice: Soprano

Country of birth: Cyprus

Date of birth: 24 May 1992


Theodora graduated in 2014 with a First Class Honours Bachelors Degree in Vocal Performance from Birmingham Conservatoire, United Kingdom, under the guidance of Justin Lavender and Catherine Benson. In 2013, she also studied with Prof. Dr. Michail Lanskoi as an Erasmus student at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt in Weimar, Germany. This June

Theodora will complete her two year part-time studies at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Hungary under the guidance of Andrea Meláth. She has participated in the masterclasses of Marco Balderi, Richard Stokes, Julia Hamari, Mary Plazas and Felicity Lott. She has taken to the stage in the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Hungary and China. She won second prize at the 9th International József Simándy Singing Competition in 2016 and was awarded first prize at the Edward Brooks English Song Prize in 2014. Her repertoire includes Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro ból, Despina in Cosí fan tutte or Oscar in Un ballo in maschera and Olympia in Les contes d’Hoffmann.

Competition Repertoire


Liszt: Oh! quand je dors (V. Hugo)

Donizetti: Chacun le sait – Marie’s Aria from La fille du régiment

Pergolesi: Tu me da me dividi – Aristea’s Aria from L’Olimpiade


Bellini: Eccomi, in lieta vesta... Oh! quante volte – Giulietta’s Aria from I Capuleti e i Montecchi

Bernstein: Glitter and be gay – Cunegonde’s Aria from Candide


Thomas: Partagez-vous mes fleurs – Ophélie’s Aria from Hamlet

Mozart: Nel grave tormento – Aspasia’s Aria from Mitridate, re di Ponto

Strauss, R.: Die Wiener Herrn verstehn sich – Fiakermilli’s Aria from Arabella